Weird CDROM formats

So, I came across these files:

$ ls -goh
-rw-r--r-- 1 526M Sep 29 12:58 file.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1  478 Sep 29 12:50 file.cue
Does anyone remember cue sheets? Luckily, even today there are tools out there to make sense of these and convert them into something usable:
$ bchunk -v file.bin file.cue file.iso
Reading the CUE file:

Track  1: MODE1/2352    01 00:00:00 (startsect 0 ofs 0)
Track  2: AUDIO     01 22:46:13 (startsect 102463 ofs 240992976)
Track  3: AUDIO     01 25:25:74 (startsect 114449 ofs 269184048)
Track  4: AUDIO     01 28:01:35 (startsect 126110 ofs 296610720)
Track  5: AUDIO     01 31:14:31 (startsect 140581 ofs 330646512)
Track  6: AUDIO     01 34:51:35 (startsect 156860 ofs 368934720)
Track  7: AUDIO     01 37:51:22 (startsect 170347 ofs 400656144)
Track  8: AUDIO     01 41:22:03 (startsect 186153 ofs 437831856)
Track  9: AUDIO     01 44:18:34 (startsect 199384 ofs 468951168)
Track 10: AUDIO     01 46:38:03 (startsect 209853 ofs 493574256)
Track 11: AUDIO     01 49:12:05 (startsect 221405 ofs 520744560)

Writing tracks:

 1: file.iso01.iso
 mmc sectors 0->102462 (102463)
 mmc bytes 0->240992975 (240992976)
 sector data at 16, 2048 bytes per sector
 real data 209844224 bytes
 200/200  MB  [********************] 100 %

 2: file.iso02.cdr
 mmc sectors 102463->114448 (11986)
 mmc bytes 240992976->269184047 (28191072)
 sector data at 0, 2352 bytes per sector
 real data 28191072 bytes
  26/26   MB  [********************] 100 %
 3: file.iso03.cdr
In this case, we don't care for the audio part of the image, so we could discard all the .cdr files later on and just use the ISO image:
$ ls -goh file.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 526M Sep 29 12:58 file.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1  478 Sep 29 12:50 file.cue
-rw-r--r-- 1 201M Oct 31 16:01 file.iso01.iso

$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro file.iso01.iso /mnt/cdrom
$ ls /mnt/cdrom
AUTORUN.INF  Data  Install  readme.txt  Setup.exe  Splash
Oh, yeah :-)