Vacation pictures
The holidays are over and I had to dig through heaps of vacation pictures and wanted to create a little photo gallery for my fellow relatives to click through. After past experiments with Zenphoto and Piwigo, I wanted to switch to a much more simpler solution. One that wouldn't require a database backend and maybe didn't break after a few update cycles.
Looking at static image gallery generators I decided to try llgal again. The command line switches are more difficult to remember than tar, but here we go:
llgal --www --sort revtime --ct %Y-%m-%d -a -d . -k --title "Pictures of Foo"This will process pictures in the current directory, with the following options:
--www make all llgal files world-readable --sort revtime sort pictures in reverse-mtime (oldest pictures on top) --ct %Y-%m-%d use image timestamps as captions, YYYY-mm-dd -a write image sizes under thumbnails on index page -d operate in directory <dir> -k use the image captions for the HTML slide titles --title title of the index of the gallerySo far, so good. But some obstacles had to be tackled first:
- Each picture on the camera was ~3-5 MB each and I didn't want to upload these large files to the gallery. So I resized the pictures with some photo program (not with GraphicsMagick) but now the file's mtime got mangled. GNU/touch was able to fix this.
- The pictures were taken with two cameras. Unfortunately, one of the cameras had its system time off by two hours - this had to be fixed as well.
$ exiftool -s DSCN_001.jpg IMG_002.jpg | grep ^DateTimeOriginal DateTimeOriginal : 2015:12:23 18:01:00 DateTimeOriginal : 2015:12:23 16:03:00In reality,
was taken at 16:01 and should be listed before IMG_002.jpg
. Luckily exiftool is able to correct the EXIF data:
export delta="00:00:00 02:00:00" # format is YY:mm:dd HH:MM:SS ls DSCN* | while read f; do echo "FILE: $f" exiftool -P -ModifyDate-="$delta" -DateTimeOriginal-="$delta" -CreateDate-="$delta" "$f" touch -r "$f" -d '-2 hours' "$f" doneAlthough we corrected the file's
already, it was still mangled by the previous export step. Let's just extract the exact date from the EXIF
data and correct the mtime
ls *JPG | while read f; do echo "FILE: $f" TZ=PST8PDT touch -d "$(exiftool -d %Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S -s "$f" | awk '/^DateTimeOriginal/ {print $3,$4}')" "$f" doneAfter another
run, the pictures were now listed in their correct order and ready to be consumed :-)