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We come in peace
snapshot operation failed / VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
bash completion leaves tty echo off after tail -f
Our Talosian overlords, where are ye?
What's this all about?
s9y backu^Wrestore
The Daily Show does Wikileaks
Assigning different VRDP ports to all my VMs
Error while creating the raw disk VMDK
Cannot unregister the machine 'foo' because it has 1 snapshots
Our shared knowledge, our shared treasure.
Balsamic vinegar, unleaded please!
Ubuntu 10.10 & btrfs
smb_maperr32: no direct map for 32 bit server error (0xc0000225)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to run external programs in safe mode.
Solaris 10 Netinstall
X11 fails to start after Security Update 2010-002
San Francisco Fleet Week
Debian/sid with Linux 2.6.36-rc6
Oracle Solaris checksums
aio_queue_async_request: too many in flight for proc: 16
Cloning VirtualBox machines
Thank you, Charlton Heston!
Terminal Server Patch
How to remove the popup ads in Avira Antivir
Dnsmasq fun
Encrypted /home with Ubuntu 10.04
rsyslog: imklog: Cannot open proc file system
Partition Alignment Linkdump
Mounting VirtualBox VDI images on a MacOS X host
Virtualbox: How to resize a VDI disk
Migrating from VMware Server via OVF
Migrating from VMware Server to VirtualBox
iStat Menus alternative?
Exim4 with clamd
Notice of Claim of Copyright Infringement, pt. II
svn: Repository moved permanently; please relocate
That's When I Reach For My Resolver
VMware Server & Ubuntu 10.04
Yum & CTRL-C
Bigger, better, faster
Soldaten sind Mörder
tr: Illegal byte sequence
Changing the default column list in Thunderbird
equivs FTW!
Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall
one step forward, two steps back
oh, the pain....
openssl enc
You do not have permission to access this server.
Thunderbird should integrate Lightning already.
You shall not upload!
select wife_id from marriages where divorce_date is not NULL;
Fedora 13
clamscan vs. clamscan
Notice of Claim of Copyright Infringement
urlsnarf uses obsolete PF_INET
Verizon Internet Services
rename %ProgramFiles%
cpio: Malformed number
Let me tcpwrap this for you
Extended Attributes and ACLs
ZFS adventures
Tor needs you!
munin: add timezone to timestamp on html pages
The problem is mounting!
Security theater has come to town!
Welcome to the future!